Fundamentals of Scheduling e-Class

Earn Four PDUs!

A project manager should not start executing a project unless the work has been defined and a viable schedule and budget are built. This class focuses specifically on the schedule. Typically a project manager doesn’t have a similar schedule from a prior project to start with and must build the schedule from scratch. This class introduces proven processes and techniques for building a viable schedule. The class then focuses on two aspects of schedule management.

  • Recognizing schedule problems when they occur or are at risk of occurring

  • Applying techniques to proactively overcome the problems.

By the end of this class students should understand the concepts required to create a sound schedule for their projects and to proactively managing the schedule to complete it within expectations.


  • None

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of creating a schedule

  • Recognize schedule problems on your project

  • Apply a number of schedule management techniques on your project

Target Audience

  • Project managers

  • Senior staff members that work with schedules

  • Clients, managers and stakeholders that need to understand the nature of building and managing schedules

Course Outline

  • Creating a schedule

  • Schedule problems

  • Schedule management techniques

  • Advanced schedule management techniques

There are numerous self-paced exercises to practice the concepts learned in the class.

Class Length and PDUs

  • Four hours and four PDUs

  • We will email you a certificate showing you have earned four PDUs for this e-class if you perform the following:

    • Complete end of class quiz (self-graded) You must score at least 12 out of 20 correct

    • Complete E-class evaluation form

    • Email quiz score and evaluation form to us at  


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After you have paid for this product, you can begin watching right away! Simply click on the "Download Now" Button that appears on your receipt page for instructions to view the e-class online.

This class is a great value at only $125! 

This is significantly less than you would pay for most training classes, and the e-class format gives you the flexibility to take the class when it is most convenient for you, and to re-take the class as often as you need. You will have access to the e-class for six months.

Note - this is the purchase price for individuals only.  For company pricing, see below.


Are you interested in licensing this product for your organization?  Please send an email to  for group pricing and terms.

PMP is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.