Define the Work Before You Start Project Execution e-Class

Earn Two PDUs!

Have you ever been on a project that experienced a number of difficulties? The chances are you looked back and said "we should have spent more time planning". You need to do a good job defining the work before you start to execute the project.

Spend two hours with us to learn the elements of planning a project. You will learn the following:

  • How to define project objectives and why they are important

  • The elements of scope needed for a project

  • Alignment of objectives, deliverables

  • Defining and differentiating assumptions, risks and constraints

  • Identifying project sponsor and other key stakeholders.

Understanding these elements of the project will go a long way to setting you up to be successful. This distance learning session will feature instructor-lead teaching, exercises to reinforce the concepts, interactive feedback and real-time questions and answers.

Note that this is a recording of a premium paid live e-learning session. The only difference is that you will not have live Q&A or live feedback on the exercises. A Student Guide is included for you to take notes. You can follow along as if you are live.


  • None

Learning Objectives

By the end of class, you should be able to:

  • Describe the various aspects of defining a project
  • Gather the information needed for a Project Charter / Scope Statement
  • Understand the importance of the Project Management Plan

Who Will Benefit

  • Managers at all levels that have projects in their areas

Student Takeaways

  • Student Guide for taking notes

  • Project Charter template

  • Lessons in Project Management e-book ($19.95 value)

  • PDU certificate if you follow the instructions included

Class Length and PDUs

  • Two hours and two PDUs

  • We will email you a certificate showing you have earned two PDUs for this e-class if you perform the following:

    • Complete E-class evaluation form

    • Email evaluation form to us at  


This product is covered by a 14-day money-back guarantee!

Read the Terms and Conditions for this product.

After you have paid for this product, you can download it immediately by simply clicking on the "Download Now" Button that appears on your receipt page!

This class is a great value at only $75!   

This is significantly less than you would pay for most training classes, and the e-class format gives you the flexibility to take the class when it is most convenient for you, and to re-take the class as often as you need.

Note - this is the purchase price for individuals only.  For company pricing, see below.

Please note that this product is 86 meg, so it will take a while to download depending on your connection speed.


Are you interested in licensing this product for your organization?  Please send an email to  for group pricing and terms.